Little Dog with a Hibiscus Flower
“Little Dog with a Hibiscus Flower” is a 12” x 12” (12.5” x 12.5” framed) acrylic and marker painting on wood panel, completed in 2023.
2D Fine Art (Acrylic Painting)
12 x 12 x 1.5
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of “Dog Days of Summer" (150-500 words).
Inspiration for the painting “Little Dog with a Hibiscus Flower” came from a photo I took of my little Chinese Crested Powderpuff dog a couple of summers ago as she sat in the backyard with a Hibiscus flower tucked into the fur beneath her ear. She loves to play with Hibiscus flowers and Hibiscus always reminds me of the hot, humid dog days of summer in the South.
This piece is for sale.